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Cell-Cell communication



SCEVAN: Single CEll Variational ANeuploidy analysis
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In the realm of cancer research, grasping the intricacies of intratumor heterogeneity and its interplay with the immune system is paramount for deciphering treatment resistance and tumor progression. While single-cell RNA sequencing unveils diverse transcriptional programs, the challenge persists in automatically discerning malignant cells from non-malignant ones within complex datasets featuring varying coverage depths. Thus, there arises a compelling need for an automated solution to this classification conundrum. SCEVAN (De Falco et al., 2023), a variational algorithm, is designed to autonomously identify the clonal copy number substructure of tumors using single-cell data. It automatically separates malignant cells from non-malignant ones, and subsequently, groups of malignant cells are examined through an optimization-driven joint segmentation process.
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COMMOT: Screening cell-cell communication in spatial transcriptomics via collective optimal transport
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In this notebook, we present COMMOT (COMMunication analysis by Optimal Transport) to infer cell-cell communication (CCC) in spatial transcriptomic, a package that infers CCC by simultaneously considering numerous ligand–receptor pairs for either spatial transcriptomic data or spatially annotated scRNA-seq data equipped with spatial distances between cells estimated from paired spatial imaging data. A collective optimal transport method is developed to handle complex molecular interactions and spatial constraints. Furthermore, we introduce downstream analysis tools to infer spatial signaling directionality and genes regulated by signaling using machine learning models.
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Harmony: fast, sensitive, and accurate integration of single cell data
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Single-cell RNA-seq datasets in diverse biological and clinical conditions provide great opportunities for the full transcriptional characterization of cell types. However, the integration of these datasets is challeging as they remain biological and techinical differences. **Harmony** is an algorithm allowing fast, sensitive and accurate single-cell data integration.
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ADImpute: Adaptive Dropout Imputer
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Single-cell RNA sequencing (scRNA-seq) protocols often face challenges in measuring the expression of all genes within a cell due to various factors, such as technical noise, the sensitivity of scRNA-seq techniques, or sample quality. This limitation gives rise to a need for the prediction of unmeasured gene expression values (also known as dropout imputation) from scRNA-seq data. ADImpute (Leote A, 2023) is an R package combining several dropout imputation methods, including two existing methods (DrImpute, SAVER), two novel implementations: Network, a gene regulatory network-based approach using gene-gene relationships learned from external data, and Baseline, a method corresponding to a sample-wide average.. This notebook is to illustrate an example workflow of ADImpute on sample datasets loaded from the package. The notebook content is inspired from ADImpute's vignette and modified to demonstrate how the tool works on BioTuring's platform.
Only CPU


BioTuring Py-Monocle: Efficient performance of Pseudotime by Python


BioTuring Py-Monocle is a package tailored for computing pseudotime on large single-cell datasets. Implemented in Python and drawing inspiration from the Monocle3 package in R, our approach optimizes select steps for enhanced performance efficiency. (More)
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